Rating Egg Substitutes and How to Cook with Them


The price of eggs has skyrocketed, mainly due to avian flu and inflation but lucky for us scientists have been long experimenting with eggless options, using pea protein, pumpkin seeds and even the liquid from a can of chickpeas as a substitute for eggs. Below is my assessment of which products are best and most closely mimic a real egg

Silken Tofu: tofu is inexpensive, mild in flavor, creamy when blended, and makes an excellent binder for baked dishes, like quiche. It’s also high in protein, has a high heat temperature and it’s versatile. The downside is, per serving, it contains half the amount of protein as eggs, but it doesn’t come with the saturated fat that is in eggs, so that is another bonus. For the price, consistency and nutrition, this was my favorite alternative to eggs, especially for baking.

JUST eggs: this mung bean based egg alternative already comes in liquid form, just shake, pour and stir. It most closely mimics real eggs in both consistency/texture and taste. Nutritionally, a real egg is 70 calories per egg, 5g of fat (1.5 saturated fat) and 6 grams of protein. JUST is the same and contains much of the same nutrients found in real eggs. When I taste tested them the flavor and texture was almost identical. The biggest draw back was the price, at nearly $6 for a 12oz bottle, it far surpasses even the most expensive pasture raised eggs.

Spero Pepita Egg: This pumpkin seed based egg alternative only contains seven ingredients, including mushroom extract, and doesn’t contain any of the oils or preservatives that are found on many other egg substitutes. It’s also high in protein and fiber and is free from soy and other allergens. This clean, high performing egg substitute tasted very similar to eggs, although it did stick slightly when fried in a pan, however the biggest downside is the price, which is also around $6 for a 16oz bottle.

Flax: Flaxseeds and flax meal are often used in vegan baking because, when combined with water and whisked, it creates a gelatinous consistency similar to egg whites. Unfortunately, while the texture is very similar to real eggs, the nutrition in flax is incredibly less. It only has 35 calories per serving, but is also only contains 1.5g of protein, 6 grams less than a real egg. This alternative came in last on my list.
